Click here for the USDA Crop Production Report released December 9th at 7:30am CST
Click here for USDA Supply and Demand Report also released December 9th at 7:30am CST
The corn ending stock number was increased to 848 million bushels from 843 million bushels. The market was trading an estimate 50-75 million bushels lower than this. The USDA left most categories unchanged.
The soybean ending stock number was increased to 230 million bushels from 195 million bushels last month. This was a widely circulated number as the USDA lowered export projections due to lower Chinese demand.
The wheat ending stock number was increased to 878 million bushels from 828 million bushels last month. This is a larger carryout number than the market anticipated. This is a bearish number.
The world production numbers in beans, wheat and corn all increased as well.
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